My Valve Controller does not open/close or shows incorrect status


1. If your Valve Controller does not open/close or shows "Valve Position" status, then please select its Location from the side menu, then click on the "Devices" tab on the app and click on your Valve Controller.


2.  Click on the edit icon or the triple dot menu (⋮) on the top right-hand corner.

3. Then select "Sync Valve"(for Android") or "Device Settings">'Send Force Update Commnad" > "Refresh Valve" (for iOS).

If this does not resolve your issue, please reach out to us at [email protected].

You can watch videos on how to Sync/Refresh your Valve Controller's status by clicking on the below links:

How to Refresh Guardian Valve Controller Status (Android)
How to Refresh Guardian Valve Controller Status (iOS)

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